Fan Control
Each fan individually configures a control mode.
The following control modes are supported:
Temperature-Percent Table (%-table)
Fixed Percent
PID and %-table control modes configure a control source, which represents what temperature sensor is used.
The following control sources are supported:
Water Supply Temperature
Water Return Temperature
Case Temperature
Aux1 Temperature
Aux2 Temperature
By default, all fans operate in PID mode for supply water temperature control.
Percent-Table Mode
Each fan may be individually configured to operate using its own temperature to fan %-table. This is like BIOS custom fan configurations.
Any one of the five temperature sensors, or DeltaT (return temp - supply temp), may be used as a temperature source.
Fixed Mode
Each fan may be individually configured to operate using a fixed speed (percent).
PID Control Mode
The PID controllers satisfy a temperature setpoint, by changing fan PWM duty cycle(s).
The fan controller may operate up to 4 PID controllers, one per the following temperature sensors: supply water temp, case temp, aux1 temp, and aux2 temp.
Setpoint Adjustment for Supply Water Temperature Control
Supply water temperature setpoint adjustment is enabled by default, to handle room and/or case temperature changes. By default, the setpoint adjusts between 28°C and 31.5°C, at 0.25°C increments.
If a case temperature sensor is connected, setpoint adjustment is limited by a difference between supply water and case temperature (allowing fan spin-up when case temperature does not change).
Last updated
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